make a difference in the students of today

How Alumni Serve
Alumni serve the Carmel High School Foundation as board members, class representatives, fundraisers, and financial contributors. In addition, every alumnus is an ambassador for Carmel High and Carmel Valley High. The schools are proud of alumni accomplishments; they are
proud to be associated with them and their achievements.
Alumni Relations Activities
The Carmel High School Foundation supports regular communication with alumni in the form of bi-annual newsletters. The newsletters are designed to keep alumni informed of the Foundation’s two programs and their award recipients, as well as news from the high school and
around the school district. The Carmel High School Foundation is available to make presentations about our programs and high school news at alumni gatherings. In addition, as we build our alumni database, we will be happy to share information with class representatives. We
will also advertise class reunions on our website and social media.