advancing educational opportunities for cusd students
The Carmel High School Foundation provides scholarships for academic educational pursuits, based on both merit and need. A scholarship from CHSF can help offset the rising cost of obtaining a college education, essential in today's world.
Need-based scholarships that recognize graduating seniors who have a real vision for their lives, but lack the financial resources to accomplish their dreams.
Merit-based scholarships that celebrate the talents and contributions these students have made to CHS. Four of the Star scholarships are named after significant donors to the CHSFpermanent scholarship fund.
Jeanine LeNeve Memorial Scholarship
In memory of Brian and Carol LeNeve's sister who was killed in a car accident.
Arthur Hull Memorial Scholarship
Arthur was a long-time and very generous supporter of Carmel High School.
Gregg Scott Memorial Scholarship
Named after Greg Scott, a CHS graduate and student at UC Santa Barbara who died in an accident when coming to the aid of an endangered motorist.
J. O. Handley Scholarship
A big supporter of Carmel High and served as a school board member for a number of years.
Padre Parents Scholarship
Named after the Padre Parents organization which makes an annual generous donation to the scholarship fund.
Donor-Advised funds consist of generous donations by members of the community for the benefit of Carmel High School students. Scholarship requirements and parameters are defined by each donor. The CHSF serves as a steward of these funds and distributes them according to the donors wishes.
Mark Stefan Awards for Excellence in Science
Robert Balles Awards for Excellence in Math
Ned Robinson Mock Trial Scholarship
Class of 1951 Scholarship
Nancy Fowler Music Scholarship
Keenan Tyler Lucero Memorial Scholarship
Hendricks-Dormody Family Scholarship
Springer Family Community Scholarship
scholarship program
Ron Stoney Educational Pathways Program (RSEPP)
The RSEPP supports academic, cultural, and vocational experiences outside the classroom for students during their high school years. These life-changing educational opportunities include a variety of student-selected programs in medicine, art, journalism, STEM, business, leadership, media, leadership, to name a few.
RSEPP is specifically designed to financially support extra-curricular summer academic, experiential, and vocational experiences for high school students to assist in their readiness for post-secondary education and/or training.
As a sophomore at Carmel High School in 1948, Ron Stoney needed to choose between a typing class and biology. He chose biology, and that changed his life. His teacher, noting his special interest in science, arranged for him to assist Stanford post-doctoral students with their research at Hopkins Marine Station.
That special educational experience propelled Ron into a career in science. After undergraduate work at Santa Clara University and medical school at the University of California at San Francisco, he became a highly successful and respected vascular surgeon. In 1982, he co-founded VascularCures, a research foundation created to improve patient care and prevent death and disability from vascular disease.
Dr. Stoney has received numerous awards, including the Society of Vascular Surgery's Lifetime Achievement Award. He has lectured around the world, pioneered new surgical approaches, published more than 100 book chapters and more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, and authored and co-authored more than a half dozen books and manuals on vascular medicine. Without a biology teacher’s offer of an educational experience, it’s possible that none of this good would have ever happened. Dr. Stoney’s gratitude for those who helped steer him toward the pursuit of his passions has led Carmel High School Foundation to create the Ron Stoney Educational Pathways Program. RSEPP’s mission is to provide resources that help students pursue their dreams, both inside and outside the classroom.
RSEPP Impact
In 2019, CHSF funded programs spanning the areas of Phlebotomy Training, A National Leadership Conference in Journalism and Media Arts, an Advanced Emergency Medicine Program at Stanford, a Leadership Camp, The Thirst Project Summit, WE Day and the Cal State Summer School for Math and Science (COSMOS). All of these programs were of deep significance to the participating students and helped them determine their life directions.
An attendee at UC Berkeley’s program in film and journalism, Lryic, experienced such a transformative experience. “I realized how much I loved learning in the college environment and I now want to study journalism so I can work in the news business. I never could have attended this program without the help of the RSEPP and I know it shaped my future career path.
The Tyler Fellowship Program
The Tyler Fellowship Program exists to fund opportunities for Carmel High School students to do something exceptional. These fellowships provide the resources, support and professional contacts needed to pursue interests and passions to a depth that students would not otherwise be able to achieve solely through the experiences afforded by CUSD.
These experiential opportunities may include training, internships, immersive travel, and networking with established leaders in their field. Tyler Fellowships are distinguished from CHSF scholarships in that scholarships are awarded on the basis of a history of achievement by recipients, whereas Tyler Fellowships are focused on the recipient’s future potential.
Tyler grew up in El Centro, California and received a B.A. and M.A. in Economics at U.C. Berkeley. In the military he served three years as a pilot. He was Western States Superintendent of Agencies for U.S. Life Insurance Company, Vice President of Sales for Sun Life Insurance Company (now SunAmerica) and President of Teledyne life insurance subsidiaries in Kansas City and Los Angeles. He is currently owner and founder of a historic properties and preservation company, Resource Management Group.
Scholarship impact
Each year, we grant over 20 scholarships to graduating seniors to attend their institutions of choice. Over the years we have helped hundreds of students
“There is no doubt in my mind that UCLA is the right place for me, or that music education is the right educational path for me. This quarter has been extremely challenging academically, socially and emotionally, but I’m seeing an incredible amount of growth in myself as a result. I can’t thank you enough for supporting my continued education and for giving me the absolute best high school to come home to.” Sophia Buraglio CHS ‘19
“I am happy to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far at UC Davis. These past few months have been a significant and challenging life transition, but now I feel that I’m truly at home here. I would like to thank the Carmel High School Foundation for investing in my future and allowing me to access these opportunities.” Harrison Bolton CHS ‘19
“In my opinion, this first semester was a major success. I am so grateful that I have been given this great opportunity to study and prepare for a lifelong journey of nursing. I would not be on this grand adventure without the gracious gift from the CHS Scholarship Committee.” Colleen Lang CHS ‘19
“I must say, many of my experiences at CHS have paid off significantly even in my first quarter. In particular, my experience in Mock Trial (for which I was awarded this scholarship) was extremely helpful when it came time to deliver a public speech as part of my Biotechnology and Society Cluster course. The set of skills that I learned in that club are something I will undoubtedly carry with me for the rest of my life, regardless of whether I will end up participating in Mock Trial again in the future. I am very grateful for my time and experiences at CHS and for this scholarship.” Jacob Matiyevsky CHS ‘19